Tonsjö – Awarded Smart Industry, 2021

Tonsjö – Awarded Smart Industry, 2021

The Royal academy of Science and Engineering awards Tonsjö as winner of the competition Smart Industry 2021 due to its determination to digitalize the production with a clear target to become more effective and flexible with visual processes.

We are honored to be awarded winner of the company competition Smart industry for our effort in integrating the digital tools in our organisation. Being open with our implementation process of the digitalization means we have been ale to learn from the challenges and experience of other companies. Also our customers recognize that Tonsjö is one of the pioneers and passionate in our journey to improve in order to meet the demands of the future, according to Clas Tengström, CEO Tonsjö.

The jury motivation:

Tonsjö in Kode, a family owned company established 1962, operates mainly in cutting processes in metals. Bror Tonsjö is according to the jury a schoolbook example of smart industry, where the opportunities of digitalization such as improvement of productivity, efficiency, sustainability and long-term company relevance are being continuously implemented – by innovation, engagement and customer focus. That the company also generously shares the experience and lessons learned to other companies strengthens the company’s status as a good example and makes them a worthy winner of the Smart industry competition.